Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I have some of the best Friendmily(friends + family) in the world! Though recently life has saw fit to reveal to me that some people who I gave that title to were not fitting for it. I was a little confused and down about it for a while then as I lay in bed one night it was as if God Himself peeled open my eyelids to the lesson He was teaching me. So I began to prune the tree named Chadd, lover, cut, a couple new associates, cut, a few life long friends, cut! Now it seems that life moves with such fluidity! We really have to understand that having people in your life is no good if they're no good for you. Being alone does not constitute lonliness it often means you are all in one, standing complete on your own! No one can complete you they can only compliment or complicate you! I love MOST of the people that have come in and out of my life, but the thing about love is sometimes you have to love someone enough to let them go.People also, since when did the quantity of conversaions dictate the quality of your friendship? Reason, Season, Lifetime....which one do you identify with?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting analysis...I think I need to do a little cutting myself.

    "No one can complete you they can only compliment or complicate you!" - Truer words are rarely spoken.

